Data Backup & Recovery
Patient data and its protection is both critical to your business continuity and a legal requirement. Being in control of and ownership of your data is paramount to your success. Having a local and offsite copy of your data, updated at all times, is a must. Your data is not something you should leave to chance.
Our backup solution is designed to protect your mission-critical files from patient data, to imaging files and volumes, to business documents. Data encryption, redundancy, retention strategies, and protection from crypto attacks must be considered when implementing a successful protection strategy.
Should a recovery be needed, do you need a single file that was accidentally deleted or a full backup recovery. Who will handle that process? What is the time it will take to fully recover. Are you constantly informed of the status and success of your data backup?
Is your practice management in the cloud? Who owns and controls your data? What happens if that relationship does not go well? How long will you be down and who will get you back to functioning should there be an issue with their platform or with the relationship itself?
Having a clear recovery plan is essential for all practices regardless of where your data resides.